Summer lovin’ party and Bailey Brews with sunglasses and optical masters, Bailey Nelson

Bailey Nelson bowls

What better way to bring in the first day of summer than with Bailey Nelson on the greens at Bondi Bowls?

Bailey Nelson blonde

Thankfully, the weather gods were good on the weekend, because the sun was turning it on while guests sipped on Bailey Nelson’s own pale ale, “Bailey Brew,” created especially for summer in collaboration with local brewer, Ben Buckler Brewery.

Bailey Nelson bowls

We partied to tunes by Tori Levett, Milan Ring and Flex Mami, while local artists like Prawn Cocktail created customised accessories. Guests could also get manicures or their very own live portrait by Mat Faint.

Bailey Nelson sunglasses

Bailey Nelson was born and bred in Bondi, where its founders would sell hand crafted frames at the markets. Today they still selling handcrafted frames (just on a bigger scale) from their multiple Australian stores and online.

Love your vitamin D? Check out Bailey Nelson’s summer range here

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