How to be perfectly prepared for your road trip this summer

You have been looking forward to hitting the road with your best friends this summer. Hopping into the car and driving to your chosen destination is going to be the highlight of your summer, so you want to make sure everything goes perfectly. From making sure your car is suited to driving in the city to getting prepared for the actual journey itself, you have a lot of things to think about before you set off. Make sure your long awaited road trip goes off without a hitch and consider all of these perfect pointers.

Super supplies

Before you set off on a long road trip you need to make sure you have the basic emergency kit for your car including items such as spare tyres, a torch and a luminous vest. You should also visit www. to buy products such as antifreeze, oil and diesel in bulk. This is a much cheaper alternative, rather than making a mad dash at a petrol station along the way.

Splendid snacks

Nobody ever likes to be hungry in the car and if you want to make limited rest stops then it’s important to stay stocked up on delicious snacks. Obviously, potato chips, popcorn and sweets are ideal snacks, but make sure you are careful not to bring too much chocolate; this could melt and cause a huge mess in the back of the car!

Comfort is key

If you’re on a super long trip then you need to make sure you are dressed comfortably and that you have blankets and pillows for later in the evening. Tracksuit bottoms, trainers and hoodies are the perfect car attire; remember comfort is the key to a happy passenger or driver!

Plan your route

How annoying would it be to miss out on one of your most desired destinations because you made it there too late? When planning the perfect road trip the route is absolutely essential. Use Google maps to give you the best routes possible and look up any possible road closures before you set off.

Be terrific with time

The beauty of road trips is that you often have the freedom to go at your own pace, however if you want to complete certain activities you will need to stick to a set schedule. Set off in the morning, wherever you were going; you want to miss afternoon rush hour traffic for sure. Stick with your planned timings as closely as you can so that you avoid arguments and disappointment whenever possible.

Road trips can be really stressful if you aren’t well prepared for them. Imagine breaking down in an unknown place or missing a destination because you hadn’t planned out your route correctly. As long as you get tick all of these elements off your to do list, you are bound to have a seamless and smooth journey. Enjoy your downtime with friends and take in the stunning scenery along the way. You will be able to come home with fantastic memories that you will hold close to you forever.

If you’re on a super long trip then you need to make sure you are dressed comfortably and that you have blankets and pillows for later in the evening. To drive comfortably longer you need a car seat pad so that you would not feel pain or pressure while driving long.