How the LGBTIQA+ community can protect themselves from assault this summer

In June 2020, the nation was shocked to its core when three men were stabbed to death in Forbury Gardens in Reading, in broad daylight. 

It turned out that the men, who had been enjoying socialising in the sunshine, were victims of a homophobic hate crime. From registered sex offenders to homophobic haters on the prowl, members of the LGBTQ+ community can be vulnerable just for being themselves, unfortunately. 

If you’re sometimes nervous about going out, here are some tips for protecting yourself against assault this summer…

Staying Safe in UK Bars and Clubs

Clubs, pubs and bars can be great places to meet up with friends and to meet new people. While everybody should, of course, expect to visit these venues without fear of assault, this is sadly not always the case. 

As well as violent hate crime assaults, shockingly, a third of gay men say that they have experienced sexual abuse or assaults while in pubs and bars in the UK. 

While it’s hard to believe in 2022, ‘the panic defence’ has been used in a number of cases in which a member of the LGBTQ+ community has been assaulted. This is a defense whereby the defendant claims that he or she ‘panicked’ when in the presence of a member of the LGBTQ+ community and, therefore, committed the assault.

The fact that this exists is testament to the dangers facing certain members of the community. Protecting yourself during a night out is vital and, there are a few things that you can do to minimise the risk of assault and, these include: 

Staying safe outdoors

As with the tragic murders in Reading, a significant number of assaults against the LBGTQ+ community occur outdoors. Warm summer days offer a great opportunity to socialise with friends in a park or at the beach or even at a festival and, as well as a welcome breath of fresh air, many enjoy the money savings that a picnic or afternoon outdoors can offer. 

How to stay safe outdoors:

While it is tragic that some members of the community need to think about safety when enjoying a simple afternoon in the park, making safety a priority and therefore a habit – makes good common sense.

Report any assaults to the police immediately…

Nobody should ever have to avoid going to certain places or events for fear of assault and, there is clearly a lot of work to be done to reduce hate crimes and sexual assaults in the UK. 

Any violence, sexual abuse or harassment (including verbal harassment) should always be reported to the authorities as soon as possible, as well as to the owner of the premises if in a club or bar. When it comes to personal safety, the first and best defence is to make sure that you are alert and aware of your surroundings to ensure that you’re able to identify any possible trouble. 

Joining communities and forums can also help as these are a good way of alerting others to venues which may be unsafe. Finally, carrying a personal alarm is a simple but effective way of preventing an assault, and these can be picked up cheaply from a number of stores and websites.