Funky Trunks now do skincare not just for your junk

Funky Trunks is the name behind some of the ost fun printed dude’s duds out there.

And now, they do skincare.

Save applying it to your junk for your personal space, this range of skincare is built for daywear on the face to protect you from yourself and your skin from the harsh elements.

Oh, and, it’s all natural and 100% Aussie and, much like any pair of Funky Trunks undies, the perfect addition to your gym bag.

Here’s what it involves.

Tank Wash

This is a shower gel. It’s filled with stuff that will overpower the worst of your smells leaving you feeling clean and smelling like a coconut. Get it for $14.95.

Guns Out

This is the perfect all-rounder to give your face and body a quick pamper without the cucumbers or mud wraps. Get it for $18.95.

You Brute

After shave lotion that doesn’t burn your face off, this’ll make you feel brute-iful while cleansing your sensitive naked pores. Get it for $14.95.

Or, for when you just want everything at once because you can, the Total Hunk Workout Pack has got you covered. All 3 products come wrapped in the Hunked Up Wash Bag so your skincare routine is all ready to go after your swim or workout session. Get it for $46.95.