Eco-friendly changes to making your home

More and more people are getting on board with sustainability as climate change becomes a real talking point and concern for many people. Gen X and Gen Y are leading the change as the most significant groups concerned with this issue.

However small your changes might be, every change matters, and the key to sustainability is consistency and repetition. While grand gestures are good, if you cannot sustain those gestures or changes in your lifestyle, then they won’t make the impact you want. From cutting down on your use of energy to reducing how much you regularly drive to even forgoing all plastic, all these little changes add to and support you in reducing your impact on the world.

If you are ready to make bigger changes, read on to see what you can do moving forward.

Water Tanks

It is recommended that every Australian household has a water tank as an alternative water supply to reduce demand on the system and premature draining of reservoirs. Essentially water tanks collect rainwater for use around the home. While you should still have at least one source of water for the mains, supplementing your usage with your own collected rainwater can be beneficial. For example, a 5000 litre water tank can help you to collect much-needed rainwater in times of draughts, especially if you live in a more rural location and have the space to house a tank this size. This can help see you through dry spells and give you a backup option in emergencies.

Reuse and recycle

Make it a priority to use everything you have as much as possible before throwing it out or replacing it from clothing to furniture, food waste and more. The less waste you produce, the less of an impact you will have on the world around you. Look at the different ways you can upcycle household items, repurpose unused containers or equipment you have lying around or donate your unwanted items to those who can use them or turn them into something entirely different to extend their lifespan.

Use less energy

This is easier said than done, especially in a world where we rely on copious amounts of energy to power our lives. From keeping lights turned off to installing solar panels, using energy suppliers committed to using renewable energy sources, or even going without power for short periods, identify what changes you can make realistically and try to accommodate them.

Other options include:

Remember, the changes need to be sustainable and fit your lifestyle, so start small and build up gradually or reduce your energy consumption.


There are many different ways you can reduce your impact on the world around you. Even if you simply commit to buying less plastic-wrapped products or using single-use items only. Whatever you do will massively impact the environment, and as you get more confident, you can build up your efforts to have an even more significant impact over time.