Celebrating 100 years of Bauhaus with German Tourism

In the world of design, Bauhaus is big. And if you’re German, it’s one of the country’s exports you’re most proud of.

The Bauhaus movement began in 1919 when Walter Gropius founded a school with a vision of bridging the gap between art and industry by combining crafts and fine arts. The Bauhaus movement is characterised by economic sensibility, simplicity and a focus on mass production. (source)

It’s a design principle that is as much aesthetically pleasing as it is pragmatic and useable, giving way to the tradition of German ingenuity through-and-through.

In conjunction with the German National Tourism Board the 100-year anniversary of the movement was celebrated in Sydney, shining a light on the German design principles that you can find through so many contemporary spaces.

As one of the cities in which the Bauhaus was originally located, Berlin will be playing a central role in the centenary celebrations in 2019. The centenary year will start there with an inaugural festival featuring a large number of performances, concerts, film showings and discussion events sa part of a world tour.

The ‘100 years of Bauhaus’ tour and event invites you on a Germany-wide journey of discovery. It will take in the origins and places of activity of modernism – to the places where revolutionary ideas in architecture, art, design, photography or dance were and are developed. See more at the Germany Travel website.