How to take-on a two-day fitness bender in Hobart with Bulk Nutrients – and survive

James Banham Bulk Nutrients

Sure there’s exercise and fitness, but doing it in Sydney on Bondi Beach, glistening under the southern sun in a balmy 25-degrees is nothing compared to doing it in the freezing cold in Hobart. Or up an even colder mountain. But, when you and a contingent of six other faces and folks in the Aussie fitness industry get on a plane and head south from Sydney to do just that as guests of Tasmanian born-and-raised protein supplement manufacturer Bulk Nutrients, you know you’re in for something quite unique. Bulk Nutrients and its founder, Ben Crowley were keen to show off the best that Tasmania – his home state and the home to his upwards of $27 million business based in Grove just out of Hobart – had to offer. And that they did. With a group of personal trainers, fitness writers, Instagrammers and bloggers in-tow, the Bulk team put themselves and their group through our paces to test the benefits of what Bulk Nutrients protein supplements can do. And after and two day assault on the bod, it seemed pretty unanimous – they work! Here’s what we took-on, what we recovered with and what we personally back. Day one with Bulk Nutrients: Arrive at Hobart airport. It’s cold. Super cold. Like, single digits cold. Coming from Sydney, it’s a shock to the system, but we all survive, order our green teas and coffee at the single cafe in the terminal before piling in to the seven-seater people mover to head to destination number one: Raw Challenge… Read More

Infinite Cycle is the spin class studio you’ve been screaming for in Sydney

Infinite Cycle spin Anna Heinrich

Everyone knows Soul Cycle, right? Let’s just put that out there. But, what you mightn’t know about in the world of spin and definitely need to, is its Australian competition that offers something a little more unique: Infinite Cycle. HQ’d in Waterloo, NSW and branching out all over the place at a rapid pace, Infinite Cycle is the wholly Australian and completely different offering to spin addicts with the same cult vibe we all know and love. For the die-hard, it has what you need; for the adventurous it has what you crave and for the new; well, it’s one helluva challenge lined-up ahead of you. Infinite Cycle takes the concepts that run throughout all spin operations around Sydney and Australia at the likes of Virgin Active Health Clubs and Cycology, and adds something new in the form of completely unstable, core-engaging, Real Ryder bikes that completely offset the centre of gravity and are sure to have you doing Ariana Grande proud with your own physical embodiment of ‘side-to-side’. It’s an insane workout that does the quads, hamstrings, obliques, lats and most of all – and most likely the reason you’re so into it – the glutes (your bum!). Founded by Alan Sacharowitz and Dani Carr, Infinite Cycle brings a healthy dose of innovation to the cardio exercise space. The bikes are exclusive in Australia to Infinite Cycle and offer riders the chance to learn to turn, tilt and lean as they ride as they sync-up with the large scenic screens ahead of them and the pumping tunes around… Read More

Exercise is good for your brain, as well as your body

Gym exercise

For those of us whose busy lives always accommodate a healthy whack of exercise on the daily, it can often be felt long before you’re even told by “experts”. For those who don’t, it doesn’t matter who you ask, but you’ll fast learn that exercise equals mental happiness and clarity, according to clinical psychologist Emma Spencer. We spoke to Emma about all things exercise and just why it’s so good and it turns out, there’s more to it than just going for a run… There’s no denying exercise and its merits have been around for decades, but why is it so big now? Over the last two decades there has been an increase in interest and accessibility of research related not only to exercise, but healthy living itself. Further, the last decade has seen shows such as ‘The Biggest Loser’ gain popularity as well as documentaries related to healthy lifestyle including ‘That Sugar Film’ and ‘Forks Over Knives’. Although these aren’t related to exercise per se, their focus is on making healthy lifestyle choices. People are seeing the value in exercise and experiencing it’s benefits and are making it a priority for themselves. How has exercise helped YOU? Working out at gyms has helped me in managing the stress of being a working mother. Feeling physically fit and healthy also promotes positive self-esteem which has allowed me to make life changing decisions such as starting my own business. The self-confidence it has promoted has allowed me to see my worth and not be held back… Read More