So your car broke down… What now?

One of the things you never want to experience when you have a car is to break down on the road. If you have never been involved in a breakdown before, it can be a little daunting and when it happens to you, you might be left clueless on the side of the road not knowing how to handle the situation. Today though, we are going to take a look at the things you need to do when you break down on the road.

Get off the road

The most important first step to complete when your car breaks down on the road is to pull in somewhere safe and get out of the middle of the lane. Usually, if you notice that your car is starting to stalk and breakdown you can steer it to the side of the road in time and switch on those hazard lights. If there is an instance where the car has stopped in the middle of the road, you may need to get out and get help to push the car out of the road. 

Note the location

Once you have broken down on the road it is important for you to find out where you are. A lot of the time on a motorway or an A road you will see signs everywhere telling you where you are. You need to know exactly where you are so that when you call for help you can accurately direct people to your location. If you can’t find a sign right away it is a good idea to ask passersby or find a landmark. 

Assess your vehicle

The next step you need to take on is to assess the vehicle. Even if you aren’t an expert in cars, you will be able to gauge a general idea of what is wrong and what needs to be done to get you back on the road again. Open up the bonnet and take a look, and also check for any warning lights on your dashboard which might indicate a problem. 

Alert other motorists 

Now that you are out of the way and waiting for help, it is important for you to warn other road users of the hazard and there are several ways to do this. The first and most obvious method to do this is to switch on your hazard lights and these will alert anyone who approaches that they need to move around you on the road. You can also place a warning triangle on the road on the approach to your vehicle to allow drivers to slow down and prepare to move. 

Call for help 

It is now time to call for help. You might need to call a local emergency towing service if you are unable to move the car, and you will also want to call 999 for the police to come and clear traffic around you and help everyone on the road stay safe. Once you have done this it is time to wait at the side of the road and relax!