The best ideas on how contingent workforce can improve business agility

Business agility is extremely important in today’s day and age. This principle helps businesses stay afloat, as they successfully adapt to the market changes and fluctuations. One of the easiest ways to make sure that your business is agile is using a contingent workforce, especially for work that doesn’t require strict commitment. However, finding the best people might be tricky, especially if the talent pool and/or the industry itself are already too saturated. So for that reason, here are some tips and ideas that will improve your business agility through proper contingent workforce application and management. 

It’s all about the job ad

Employing remote workers means that seeing them face-to-face is quite unlikely. Therefore, you should make sure to post a job ad that will be clear, concise, and easy to understand. In return, that will ensure the best candidates. Also, if the business is hiring remotely, that means that the number of applications will be higher, and in that case, a well-written job ad will help you find the right people. If that’s not enough to sell the concept of agility and how to write it up, then check out this post.

The selection process plays an enormous role 

The selection process exists to ensure that only the best candidates get the job. This process is also demanding, which is why it’s essential to have an effective, yet easy selection process. An extensive and prolonged way that includes multiple rounds and interviews might seem practical, but in reality, it’s too time-consuming. Therefore, a simple task or two should suffice, and if you want to conduct the interviews, be sure to do so at the latest stage of the selection process. Also, it’s important to mention that your selection process length should largely depend on whether you’re looking for a full-time employee or a freelancer.  

Promotion on relevant platforms matters as well 

This is of utmost importance because a relevant platform can help weed out the non-suitable candidates much better. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that the target audience is on that specific platform. If you’re looking for an IT expert, then Toptal and similar platforms might be your best choice. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a simple, one-time job, feel free to look into more diverse platforms such as Upwork, or PeoplePerHour. Make sure to do a proper assessment, so you won’t end up wasting your time and other resources on a platform that won’t provide you with suitable candidates. 

Use the proper payment services 

Remote workers often rely on different payment services in order to get paid for their efforts. A lot of mainstream services tend to use very high commissions or unfavorable conversion rates, which is something that should be avoided, if possible. Plus, handling payments can be daunting, especially if you’re also managing many employees. In that case, it’s best to opt for effective contractor payroll solutions as that’s the best way to ensure that every contractor is paid on time. Besides, such solutions also offer invoicing services, which is hugely important if you want to make sure that everything is legal and transparent. Check out this post to learn more about a suitable pay stub makers for your business.

Make sure all candidates are informed 

Informing candidates of the current stage of their application is not only polite but also necessary. This is especially important when it comes to candidates who haven’t been accepted. Letting them know will show them that you’re professional and communication-oriented, so they’ll feel motivated to apply again in the future. They will also feel respected and cared for, and you’ll always have a pool of candidates to come back to in case that’s necessary. In case you don’t inform them, they also might be tempted to look for a job elsewhere, especially if they don’t get any response from you whatsoever. So, in order to avoid that, it’s important to keep every candidate in the loop during the selection process. 

Communicate your needs before, during, and after the search process

Sure, writing an all-encompassing job ad is a must, however, it’s also crucial to communicate your needs and expectations after you start selecting the best candidates. Therefore, if you have specific requirements regarding the work or deadlines, then it’s your job to make sure that all candidates are familiar with them. This will help avoid misunderstandings because each and every candidate (and potentially future employee) will be aware of what’s happening. 

Business agility and a contingent workforce often go hand in hand. This is why it’s important to choose the best candidate, and that’s easily done through an extensive, clear, and streamlined selection process. These ideas will help you make your business more agile, plus you’ll be able to find the right talent for your company.