Anna Flanagan explores Esquared; the new fitness app for anywhere you are

I was a little hesitant attending my first ‘App launch’ on Wednesday night. And safe to say I really didn’t know what to expect. The launch was for ‘eSquared’, a fitness app that shows you where all the classes are in your area. For example you press on ‘Pilates’ and on a map it pops up with the sessions around you, and how much each one costs. So rather than searching the internet for what is near you- it’s like the Airbnb for fitness classes and it is brand new to Australia.

You may have heard of the General Manager, Drew Mitchell, he is a rugby legend in his own right and is forging a successful commentating career since his retirement from professional sport last year. I spoke to the former Wallaby about the App and he said ‘after being in the team gym and having been told what to do my whole life, I prefer classes because I don’t have to think about what to do.’ I wholeheartedly agree with Drew! I have trained myself my whole life but when walking into a gym without a program I lift a bit of this, squat a few of those, and generally just waste a lot of time. Classes for a lot of us are the way to go- also having people around and motivation from instructors for me makes the whole experience that much better.

The launch itself was held at a trendy warehouse in Roseberry, where on the walk in you could hear dance music pumping and see a blue glow coming from the large space. I convinced my work colleague to come with me- I initially said ‘come for the free dinner’ and after he said yes I told him we were also required to work out. There were a number of stations throughout the space where different gyms set up exercises to showcase what is on offer both at their gym and therefore on the app. It ranged from cycling, boxing, CrossFit and weights. Gyms can sign up to the app and put their class information in, which then in turn will pop up on the map when you look for classes around your area.

My favourite of the exercises was from Infinite cycle who had stationary bikes that moved side-to-side for a full body workout. They can burn up to 900 calories in 45 minutes and really test your core. I’m looking forward to finding the nearest studio near me because I can’t wait for all the desert I can eat after doing one of those classes.

Once we finished and my work mate destroyed me on the ropes and boxing. We were treated to poke bowls and a goodie bag full of all things fitness and protein. I messaged my friend on the way home, only for him to have already messaged me admitting that we already ate all the cookie and cream balls and peanut butter in our bags. The launch went well and as I look to find a gym class around me on the app this afternoon, you could say it was also a success.

Check out the Esquared app from their website.