A day in the life of a professional poker player

When people envision professional poker players, they tend to think of luxury, suits, and glamour. While this can indeed be their public image as they attend one of the big ticket poker tournaments, most days are not like that. In fact, many of them involve a tedious a grind at the tables. Indeed, it’s a life of dedication, iron will, discipline, and commitment to self-improvement.

Find out what it takes to be one as we take you through a typical day in the life of a pro poker player.

The freedom to set your own schedule

One of perks of online poker for australian players is the country’s liberal pro-gambling climate that allows you to play to your heart’s desire. Those who want to dedicate a portion of their life to playing poker can do so in their own hours and on their own terms, whether it’s in the evening or in the middle of the night if they so choose. However, discipline is key – by no means will you get better at the game if you just sit around watching Netflix all day.

Developing a routine

Being a pro poker players means developing a daily routine and sticking to it. Yes, this includes forcing yourself to play even on a bad day – after all, just showing up is already half the battle. While most players find their mind functions at its best in the morning, it’s entirely possible that you’re more of a night owl. At any rate, the key thing to remember is to treat it seriously and milk your most productive hours for what they’re worth.

Plugging the holes in your game

It’s easy to fall prey to the delusion that you’re the best and nobody can beat you, but in reality, not a single poker player can be equally as strong in all areas. Those who want to get anywhere in this game should remain self-critical and introspective and see if there are any holes in their game they can plug. They will take the time necessary to study their own game history and other educational materials they can find.

A sedentary lifestyle requires compromises

Unfortunately, too many regular poker players only work on their poker skills while forgetting to invest an equal amount of care in their health and wellbeing. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. To make sure your mind retains the capacity to make complex calculations and decisions all day long, you’re going to have to get some exercise in as well. Don’t forget about the importance of getting a good night’s rest while you’re at it.

As a pro poker player, getting enough sleep, exercise, and eating well is quintessential.

Source: Pixabay.com

When everything is said and done, is being a professional poker player like a day job?

Although you get the freedom to set your own schedule, most poker pros will tell you that playing poker professionally does indeed start to feel like a day job after the initial honeymoon period has worn off. It can be boring and even downright infuriating on some days when cards simply refuse to work in your favor. This is the reason why so many aspiring poker professionals eventually give up on their dreams before they reach massive success.


Playing poker professionally is no cakewalk. But if you’re willing to put in the hours and swallow a bad beat as it comes, you may possess the fortitude necessary to make it in this demanding industry.