8 tips to pick the right gym

If you are looking to incorporate working out into your daily routine, one of your options is finding a gym that matches your needs and goals. An ideal gym can play a huge role in your willingness and motivation to exercise in a consistent manner. So, before committing to a one-year gym membership, it’s important to do your homework. In this read, we are going to take a look at things to look for, ask and expect from a gym.

The location

Taking 30 minutes to get to a gym for a 45-minute workout is not a recipe for success. It is important to consider when you are likely to work out and pick a gym that’s in close proximity to your home or workplace. If getting to the facility becomes a hurdle, it will be your first excuse to skip your sessions according to the experts at HBF Arena who run gyms Joondalup.


If you intend to workout early in the morning before heading to work, but the gym does not open until 8.am, it won’t do you any good. Also, it’s imperative to consider evening, weekend as well as holiday hours that might compromise your exercise routine.


The gym corners and bathrooms are the primary telltale signs of the facility’s cleanliness. If the bathrooms are dingy and there’s dust and dirt in the corners, upkeep is certainly an issue. Every fitness center should also provide a means of disinfecting equipment after use, especially in this Covid-19 era. Be on the look for gym wipes, spray bottles and towels, and also whether anyone uses them.

The cost

First and foremost, look at the initiation and monthly membership fees. Then inquire what’s included in the price. Will you get a fitness assessment, access to fitness classes or personal training sessions? Also, ask about special packages or discounts offered. Gym memberships tend to have a long-term contract and the last thing you want is to be stuck in one that includes costly termination fees.


Do you like pick-up basketball or swimming? If so, then assess the availability and quality of these amenities – You may have a pool in your back yard, if so it is worth checking out the pool exercise equipment from My Pool My Gym you can easily turn your pool at home into a gym – other considerations include parking, locker rooms, parking and outdoor fields.

Classes and equipment

Are you on the hunt for a particular fitness class or do you want a specific type of equipment? Take a tour of the fitness center and ask if you can see the classes and equipment they offer. Follow up by evaluating the quality of the gym instructors and equipment available. Do not forget to pick a copy of the class schedule to ensure it matches with yours.


While assessing the gym or talking to the representative, ask how many people use the facility and when they do so. Your 7 a.m workout routine may coincide with the height of traffic on the gym equipment. Your 30-minute workout could easily turn into an hour of wasted time on the equipment queue.

Trial period

Last, but not least, ask whether the facility can allow for one or two weeks of free access before signing a membership plan. This will allow you to gain a feel for the atmosphere, instructors and other members.

Once you’ve taken a tour of the gym, asked all the vital questions and given it a trial run, you will be in a position to make an informed decision.