5 space-saving storage solutions

Space. The Oxford dictionary states that it is a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. Don’t we all need some more of this? The only problem is that in today’s modern world we find ourselves cluttered with too much stuff and living in smaller living spaces.

What would you do if I told you that you could have more space and at the same time keep all of your stuff, by using clever space saving and storage solutions? No one likes living in a cramped space and by following a few simple tips, you can free up more space in your home and in your heart.

Let’s take a closer look at a few of these innovative space saving ideas.

Flexi tubs

Nowadays there are numerous products available that can assist you in re-organising your possessions without breaking your wallet. Flexible tubs are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and are available in an array of vibrant colours. This makes it easy to find that old collection of small soft toys when you need to and also it is fun and cheerful.

They come in different shapes and sizes so you can store small or larger items without any frustrations. Made of a very tough, flexible BPA-free plastic these containers will last a lifetime. Nice and large easy-to-grab handles will make it a pleasure to move them without hurting your hands.

Clear cut clutter

While you are busy de-cluttering and storing some of your things, you will come across items that you haven’t used in years. Put such goods aside in a heap and when you are finished with your initial spring clean, load the heap into your car and drive it to your local op shop, recycling depot or homeless shelter. Some of these organisations will even collect items from you free of charge. The Australian Red Cross has shops all around the country. Not only will you free up a lot of space but you will feel good and help other people in the process.

Add shelving

One of the best ways to store your newly organised containers and flexible tubs is to have some shelving installed. Look around your house for unused wall spaces and be practical. If the thought of installed shelves is a bit too daunting then you can also consider free-standing shelves.

Utilise space saving furniture

For some designer conscious souls out there that squirm at the shelving idea, designer space saving furniture and creative shelving ideas will save the day. Imagine a hollow chair that acts as a bookshelf or stairs that are also drawers. There are multifunctional furniture pieces that can change in the blink of an eye, taking up one space but with three different functions. You can also buy stackable chairs or fold-up tables for those occasional big dinner parties. A great space saving idea is to get furniture that can fit into each other, like a nest of tables.

In the bedroom, a bunk-bed can solve the need to build an extra room for a new arrival. In the TV room, an excellent idea is to mount the flat screen on a bracket to the wall. This will free up a huge amount of space for the family. If you are lucky enough to have an outside area, get some outdoor furniture and create a whole new extra social space for the whole family to enjoy.

Use mirrors and light

You have managed to do everything possible to create extra space in that small bedroom, but still, it feels like a jail cell. By installing a large mirror on one of the walls, it will help you to create the illusion of extra space and it will completely transform the room to appear more spacious. This might be a bit awkward in the bedroom, but if you have a very small sitting room or entrance hall, a mirror will make the space appear twice as big.

Sometimes a change in colour can also be a solution. White walls make a room feel more spacious than darker colours. If you are in the mood to swing a sledgehammer, and willing to invest in a new window, you could knock out the small window and install a nice, large open window. Sure, the room is still the same size, but it will feel less cramped. If you have the outside space, then a bay window will physically enlarge any room dramatically.

A space odyssey

If you really think about it, more space can actually save you time by making you feel more at ease and therefore, more productive. Walking into an open, spacious environment will have a positive effect on your entire wellbeing.