5 jobs that involve working with animals and nature

It’s an ambition for many, to get a job that feels more like pleasure than work itself. A great way to achieve this is to find a role that has a lot of overlap with your personal hobbies and interests. If you’re a keen explorer or adventurer, an animal lover or enjoy spending your weekends doing outdoor pursuits, you may be looking for a job that allows you to do a little more of this, while getting paid too.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of six jobs that involve working with animals and nature. Why not see if any pique your interest? 


If you love caring for animals, there are few careers more rewarding than becoming a veterinarian. While it demands a great deal of schooling and further training, once you’ve got your certificate, you’ll be fundamentally involved in the healthcare of all sorts of animals, big and small.

If you’re searching for vet jobs, try this website: vetpetjobs.com.au. They can help you discover a range of veterinary jobs, including vet nurse jobs, or even vet practice manager jobs.

Park Ranger 

If you enjoy spending time in the company of animals, and also love exploring the great outdoors, perhaps you should look for opportunities to be employed as a Park Ranger. Depending on where you live, there should be either private or public green spaces which require the assistance of rangers to observe, protect and conserve the wildlife.

Be prepared to do a lot of walking though, as you’ll likely have a lot of ground to cover. 

Animal/environmental charity worker

Do you find yourself gravitating to news stories about environmental issues and animal rights? Are the one in your friendship group who’s always trying to rally people to change their behaviours and stand up for what they think is right? If so, you may be perfectly suited to a career in conservation.

These days, a great number of charities are working within this sector, and there are job opportunities ranging from communications to admin and finance. It’s now more possible than ever to help make a positive contribution.

Yacht/boat crew 

If you’ve got a good pair of sea legs, perhaps you could put them to work as part of private yacht or boat crew? A life lived at sea isn’t for everyone, yet certainly if you enjoy the ocean breeze and marine animals, it could be ideal for you.

Brush up on the difference between port and starboard and head down to your local jetty to ask around for beginner’s roles.

Retreat host

With the boom of yoga, mindfulness and meditation, there are now many self-employed workers opening their own countryside retreats. These locations tend to be secluded, peaceful and surrounded by nature and animals. If you’re keen to a quiet life, gaining a job either as a retreat host or manager could be perfect.

You may or may not need to be a practiced yogi, or know your Chaturanga from your Crow Pose, but if you’re interested in learning more about the world of yoga, you could also gain a lot from the experience personally.