5 fun ways to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home

The countdown is on for 2024, and if you’re like most people, you want to be at the right place to welcome the new year. Studies show that many people celebrate New Year’s Eve with outdoor parties, music, and other forms of entertainment, mostly away from home. But that doesn’t mean you always have to be outside to welcome the new year. You can have a blast at home, too, whether alone or surrounded by your loved ones. So, if you’re not sure where to go this New Year’s Eve (or don’t feel like heading out), use these tips to welcome 2024 at home in the best possible way. 

  1. Hold a custom countdown with your family

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Countdowns have become the mainstay of most New Year’s Eve events, with hurrays chorusing and glasses clinking when the clock strikes 12. Most public squares, nightclubs, restaurants, parks, and outdoor places in general will be packed with people counting down the final seconds of 2023. You can create the same energy in your home by holding a custom countdown event with your family. Blow up several balloons, let everyone set their timers on their phones (with all phone clocks synchronising), get some glasses of wine (and juice for the little ones), and prepare everyone for the final moments of the year. Let each family take turns popping the balloons as each hour passes. Once the last balloon pops, celebrate together with toasts, cheers, and well wishes. Bottoms up!

  1. Host a quick party at home

The custom countdown can still work, but if you want to make things more lively, host a New Year’s Eve party at home instead. This option is perfect if you have a large family or expect many people at home. There are still a few days left before calling it curtains on the year, so it’s more than enough time to plan a quick but memorable party sending off 2023. Let the decor be simple – a few balloons with colourful cut-outs spelling “Happy New Year” and some lights will do the trick. The food should also be simple or shouldn’t take too much time and effort to make. Don’t forget about the drinks too. From raicilla and tequila to wine and champagne, provide as many options as you can access on short notice. Let the party start as late as possible so that it can extend to the new year. 

  1. Tune in to a virtual or online event

If you expect to spend New Year’s Eve alone, this option is for you – tune in to a live virtual or online event. Thankfully, the options are many, including events hosted by local TV stations and your favourite podcasts. You can also find and tune in to live streams from various parts of the country or across the globe. But don’t just tune in; treat yourself to some good food and delicious wine while you watch. Zoom and Microsoft virtual events will also be available, where you can share your time alone with other people from other locations. 

  1. Host a game night

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Game nights are always an excellent and fun way to end the year with heartiness and laughter. The game options are endless, but the most important thing is that every family member will participate and enjoy the moment without feeling left out or pressured. Scrabble, Monopoly, Jenga, cards, video games, charades, UNO, quizzes, and Apples to Apples are some of the popular options but feel free to pick unique games your family will love. You can also sort opinions from each family member and assembly a collection of games you can all play throughout the night. Again, please don’t forget to add some food and drinks. 

  1. Make it a night of resolutions 

You probably already know that New Year’s resolutions and repurposed old ones will start popping up as 2023 grinds to a halt. People will want to set new goals for the coming year, make fresh plans, and nurse new dreams. Knowing this, you can turn your New Year’s Eve into a night of resolutions. Start by getting some dry-erase boards or flip chart boards on which people can write their New Year resolutions, plans, goals, dreams, and wishes. You can also encourage your family members to prepare vision boards of their own or create a collective vision board to make this New Year’s Eve a night of resolutions. Doing this will infuse purpose and reflection into the night’s festivities. You can also encourage your family members to take pictures with their resolutions or use your collective vision as the perfect background for a final family picture of the year.