3 things people often forget to do before travelling abroad

Are you travelling abroad anytime soon? We hope you have a wonderful time if so. Travel is good for both the body and mind, and you are bound to feel the benefits. However, there are some things that many people forget to do before they leave for their travels, especially when it’s their first trip abroad, and consequently, they then sabotage their dreams for rest and relaxation while away. Don’t let this be you! Consider what we say below, and be sure to add them to your pre-travels checklist, so you don’t find yourself in a stressful situation while you’re away.

#1: They forget to check their travel insurance policies

You shouldn’t forget to take out travel insurance; it can be a lifesaver should you get injured while you’re away, and it can offer you some solace should your bags get stolen. However, you need to make sure you have the right cover for your needs. Not every insurer will include cover for anybody injured in an accident after renting a car or motorcycle, for example, and it might not cover high-risk activities such as skiing or scuba diving. You might need to get specialist cover, such as motorcycle travel insurance, and you might also need to find an insurance provider that will give you customised cover to accommodate your specific requirements. Check your insurance policies before you leave then, and if necessary, switch to a different insurer if your current provider won’t give you what you need. 

#2: They forget to call their bank and credit card companies

If your bank and credit card companies don’t know you are away, they might assume your accounts have been hacked, or your cards have been stolen if they notice money being withdrawn in another country. They will freeze your accounts to protect your finances, which is fine if it isn’t you trying to access your accounts, but not so fine if you’re on vacation trying to withdraw money to pay for your evening dinner! So, let the relevant companies know of your travel plans ahead of time, and for further financial protection (perhaps in the event that your cards get stolen while away), find ways to discreetly carry cash around with you. 

#3: They forget to make an emergency contact card

Okay, so you might have all the numbers you will ever need in an emergency stored on your phone. These might include contact details for your friends and family, the local embassy, and any nearby medical facilities. However, what if your phone gets stolen? What if it runs out of charge? If you find yourself in an emergency situation, you might struggle to get help if you can’t remember the numbers you need, so in the event that your phone isn’t available, write down all of your important numbers on a contact card. You can then use a local phone box (or beg and borrow a phone from a fellow tourist) to make any urgent calls. 


You wouldn’t forget your passport (we assume), and you probably wouldn’t forget your toothbrush either. However, don’t forget what we have also mentioned within this article, as your travel plans might be ruined if you do. Make a note of them now, and add them to your pre-travels checklist before you go away.