2021 Fashion Week hair predictions, according to hair expert

Whip out your Grams – it’s Australian Fashion Week time!

While we don’t know what exactly designers will be presenting, we know they’ll be serving up a smorgasbord of delicious hair inspiration for the year ahead.

Luke Munn, up-and-coming Australian barber who won the 2020 global American Crew All Star challenge (making him one of the best young barbers in the world), has gazed into his crystal ball and shared some predictions about what we might expect on the runway, which he thinks will then filter into the mainstream over the next few months.

Unsurprisingly, as barbers were closed for a decent part of last year, men have gotten used to the idea of growing their hair out. Luke predicts that length will translate into the continued reign of the mullet and thinks men’s bangs will soon be a big thing; bold, fresh and modern. Not only that, but Luke has daring colour on his radar, as men bring their personality to the forefront. See below for a bit more detail on Luke’s hair predictions ?

2021 Fashion Week hair predictions according to hair expert Luke Munn


Everyone is still in love with the mullet (that hairstyle in which the hair is shorter at the front, but long at the back!) and I think it’s here to stay for a while longer. The trend has even reached the stars with the likes of Zac Efron rocking the look also. And it has also been popping up in high-fashion campaigns. So, the mullet is king again for 2021, back in vogue. It’s fun and makes a bold statement, never out of fashion!

Bold colour 

Bold colours in men’s hair have been making a huge move this year and I see them continuing into the back end of the year. Not only are men making bold statements with their cool haircuts and hairstyles, but now it seems guys are colouring their hair more than ever before! Having the right hair colour can make a big difference to how you look overall – it’s the one style statement you can’t slip off which brings out your personality. And as they said, attitude and personality equal runway success, no? ?

Long hair 

Long hair is in style for guys. With everyone adapting to a work from home life and quarantine they’re starting to be more accepting of longer hair. I think you’ll see a lot of men getting comfortable in longer hair as it can be worn natural and grungy or sophisticated and neat. I reckon this would be an ever more frequent sight on the runway – sharp and stylish!


With the adaption of Mid to Long lengths men are starting to get some creative fringes! MEN’S BANGS! They’re in and they’re on trend. Modern, fresh and trendy – surely we should expect lots of these “face curtains” hairstyle on this year’s runway!